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A Beginner’s Guide to Afternoon Tea at Home

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The guide is now available!

If you want to learn more about hosting your own afternoon tea event, Eileen Donaghey has written a new eBook covering what you need to know.

If you want to host your own afternoon tea party at home but you’re not sure where to start this guide takes you through, step by step, how to prepare it. Starting with the invitation process, table planning, a sample menu and then hosting on the day this guide is full of practical tips which will help give you the confidence to host your own afternoon tea event. Included is a checklist of how to prepare and get ready for your event and a list of suggested utensils which you would find useful. There is also an FAQ section which covers some of the most common questions around hosting an afternoon tea party at home. 

The tone is very conversational and Eileen uses some anecdotes and stories making it an enjoyable read. You will definitely want to read it while enjoying a cup of fine Darjeeling tea from a beautiful teacup. It gives a good overview of the basics of what you should consider and expect when hosting your own afternoon tea for the first time.

View the guide here.

Want to know more about afternoon tea?

Afternoon Tea has burst back into popularity in the past five years.  It’s popping up in every nook and cranny across the U.K.   There’s a good reason:  it’s a delightful tradition.  Abundance brings variety.   There are interesting interpretations on the traditional.  But there’s also a real variety in quality.   

Eileen, the Afternoon Tea Expert, is on a mission to seek out and share only the best afternoon tea offerings.  She is a standard bearer for quality with in-depth knowledge of the must haves in any memorable afternoon tea worthy of the name. 

Browse the site to learn more about the traditions, what quality means in all things afternoon tea and the services available through Afternoon Tea Expert.