Drinking tea can lengthen your life

A cup of tea served in a green tea cup.

According to a new report published by U.K. Biobank people who drink two cups of black tea a day have a reduced mortality rate. What was most interesting in this report, is that how the tea is prepared and consumed doesn’t impact the benefits. This means for those who drink their tea with milk or sugar, they still receive the same health benefits in comparison to those who take their tea black. 

Afternoon Tea Expert, Eileen Donaghey say “I am a huge advocate of drinking tea and I find these results to be very comforting. If my maths is correct, with my daily average of 7 cups a day then I should be in for a long life!”

“Tea is part of every day life in the U.K. While traditionally, it would have been taken in the afternoon, nowadays it is drunk throughout the day. I would recommend switching away from black tea in the evening before bedtime to a herbal tisane such as chamomile.”

Eileen Donaghey