Who would like to have afternoon tea on a yacht?

Afternoon tea is a highly indulgent affair. Not only is the food indulgent, the tea exquisite and outfits that can sometimes rival the map gala red carpet, the location and venue also plays a big part in the whole experience. The question of “where to go for afternoon tea” takes on a whole new meaning when we consider the inclusion of luxury yachting.  Chartering a luxury yacht for a weekend or for a holiday is a totally opulent and indulgent experience. Expectations for the perfect dining service run high so it is important that the quality of your afternoon tea service meets those expectations. Preparing and hosting an afternoon tea isn't always plain sailing, which is why I am thrilled to partner with The Yacht Stew Academy for their Cultural Tea Service course.

The Academy is part of the Yacht Stew brand which is one of the largest communities of stewards and stewardesses of Super Yachts. The course aims to teach experienced and new yacht steward(esse)s quality practical advice to host an afternoon tea on board. I am delighted to be joined by other tea experts and together we cover:

-          An Introduction to Tea

-          Afternoon Tea Service

-          Japanese Tea Service

-          Chinese Tea Service

-          Russian Tea Service

-          Procurement

-          Speciality offerings

Feedback for the course has been excellent. If you are interested in signing up you can visit TYSA directly.

Eileen Donaghey